CVE-2010-0218: Unexpected ACL Behavior in BIND 9.7.2
Wrong ACL applied.
CVE: CVE-2010-0218
Posting Date: 28 Sep 2010
Program Impacted: BIND
Versions Affected: 9.7.2 through 9.7.2-P1
Severity: Low
Exploitable: Remotely
Description: There was a flaw where the wrong ACL was applied. This flaw could allow access to a cache via recursion even though the ACL disallowed it.
Risk Assessment: This bug is primarily a risk to operators running both authoritative and recursive DNS on the same BIND server in the same view.
Workarounds: Upgrade to BIND 9.7.2-P2. No other workaround is currently known.
Active Exploits: None known at this time.
Solution: Upgrade to BIND 9.7.2-P2. No other workaround is currently known.
Acknowledgements: Thank you to Alexandre Simon for finding and testing this issue.
Related Documents
See our BIND 9 Security Vulnerability Matrix for a complete listing of Security Vulnerabilities and versions affected.
Do you still have questions? Questions regarding this advisory should go to security-officer@isc.org.
ISC Security Vulnerability Disclosure Policy: Details of our current security advisory policy and practice can be found in our Software Defect and Security Vulnerability Disclosure Policy.
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